Reimagining collective action by nurturing the feminine
A Quiet Revolution
Since the dawn of humanity, women have gathered in circles to share stories, hardships, insights, and solutions for a better world. The Aura methodology channels this ancient feminine wisdom and fellowship to nurture and empower women leaders through a holistic nine-module programme. Three core strands weave through all modules: Breathing, playing, and gardening.
Aura circles weave soil, soul, and story, amplifying the feminine in both individuals and society, prioritising care for life over the accumulation of profit. All course materials are available for you to explore freely.
What I feel from Aura is as if it were a great hug. As if you’re walking, searching for support, and then suddenly you’re hugged. That’s what Aura means to me. And that has meaning.
In these four years, I was able to make decisions and develop things at work in the Ze Claudio and Maria Institute in Brazil that I don’t think I’d be able to do with just with my will.
― CLAUDELICE DOS SANTOS, Human Rights & Environmental Activist, Amazon
Aura Fellowship Circle, 2020-2024
Aura is a safe space where women can actually forget about everything else, and just love themselves, support each other,
and concentrate on their own growth.
― MELINY SWARTZ, Community Carer, Lanquedoc, South Africa
Aura Fellowship Circle, 2022-2024
A Different Way
of Being
Many of us dream of a better world and seek to make that reality.
With enthusiastic intention, we set about creating vision and mission statements, strategy, outcomes, evaluation plans, reports and management systems. All our imaginings, poetics and inspiring aesthetics are flattened into accessible language for optimised search. Without noticing, we unconsciously become drawn into replicating the very systems we so fervently wish to change.
Changing the world means changing our approach.
Aura explores ways of being and doing that radically subvert the
status quo, offering time and space to explore perception, and, in becoming different ourselves, to notice the world
responding differently towards us.
The Aura Methodology
Aura explores feminine ways of being as pathways to radical transformation through nine co-created modules. This methodology revives aspects of ourselves often suppressed in modern culture, drawing on the ancient art of women’s circles to foster deep connection and change.
Our calling was to perhaps work with single mothers —
and if one hundred per cent of humans come from a mother,
why is mothering not the focus of everything on the planet?
Aura Midwife