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Feminine Intelligence is Shaping Our Future: FemmeQ Summit 2023

Updated: Sep 26, 2024

Be The Earth attended FemmeQ’s summit, ‘Feminine Intelligence: Shaping Our Future’ which took place 24th - 27th October 2023 in Strasburg, France. The event is a unique and precious opportunity to share ideas, resources, and experiences around feminine intelligence, and amplify the voices of women to catalyse the transformations needed to shape our collective future. 


FemmeQ is a global initiative bringing together women and their allies to promote feminine intelligence. All of Be The Earth's work celebrates and amplifies the feminine aspects of human nature and we encourage all beings to tune in to this innate wisdom that lives in all of us.

Shaping our future


We are proud to be a sponsor of the FemmeQ Summit and it was our deep pleasure to attend in person. Many of the problems of our society and economy are caused by overly focusing on the masculine. Women are disproportionately affected by patriarchy and the negative effects of capitalism, but those things greatly harm men’s wellbeing too. A positive shift towards feminine intelligence would be transformative for our world and all beings who share it.


The ‘nature/nurture’ debate, whether women are pre-programmed to be more loving and caring, or whether they have been socialised that way, is largely irrelevant to this project, reflects our Creative Director Anne Rammi who attended the summit: “it matters little, because we have half of the population equipped for peace, and we should use it.”

Untaming the feminine


During the summit, performers Vatsala Shrivistava and Rashi Bunny produced an evening show titled ‘Untaming’. They evoked goddesses, mythology, and women’s history to refute gender stereotypes and explore the myriad ways that womanhood can become untamed.

Sharing wisdom gathered from the consciousness of women that has been kept under wraps for centuries was extraordinarily empowering and enriching. Be The Earth is passionate about the power of storytelling as a means to listen to what is around us and inside of us. 

The World Cafe featured a discussion about an international network of eco villages, which can struggle to preserve their way of life. Bounce Beyond are making concrete changes to financial structures that would overcome traditional models that currently exclude half of the population. 


There was one particular moment that stuck with Anne. “A woman in a panel announced that she wanted to acknowledge the presence of men, and asked the men to all stand up, at which point everyone clapped” she explains. “Then she asked the women to stand up, but there wasn’t a single sound. We clapped for the men, and we did not clap for ourselves… It shows that these dynamics are very embedded… that we have a long way to go.”


Though such deep shifts in consciousness take a long time to bear fruit, existence is not a state but a process. We are always moving forward, and a journey taken in such inspiring and wise company is all the better for it. 

Being guided by the feminine means understanding the power in active listening, trust, reciprocity, collaboration, care, nurturing and so many other values that are wrongly denigrated in a world that places disproportionate emphasis on the characteristics attributed to the masculine.

As we navigate these turbulent times, it’s essential to integrate feminine intelligence into all our lives, work, and leadership. This integration is not about replacing one paradigm with another, but harmonising the strengths of both, to bring about the changes in our world that we all want to see. 


Learn more about feminine intelligence here

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