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“There Are Stories I Will Never Forget” — Renata Laurentino on Aura’s Transformative Power

Renata is an artist-facilitator, researcher and mother, dedicated to nurturing creativity in children, women and educators. With over 20 years of experience in arts and education, she designs transformative learning experiences that foster growth, play, and connection.

Part of the Warriors Without Weapons network, Renata’s work is deeply rooted in listening to and empowering communities, blending artistic practice with social impact. 

Renata is one of our Aura Fellows, having completed our holistic nine-module programme designed to nurture and empower female leaders. In this Aura Spotlight interview, we delve into her experience.

How has Aura transformed your relationship with yourself?

Aura reminded me that I am an individual in a collective. That in order to be healthy, powerful and inspired in my collective actions and practices, I need to be well cared for and valued.

In my Aura experiences, I realised that many of the issues I thought were just mine are issues for other women too. What haunted me and often made me feel guilty has to do with our feminine experience on Earth — in this capitalist, sexist system we live in, which says that we are small, fragile and need to compete with each other.

Has your perspective on activism changed?

My view on activism has changed completely. I understood more about subtle activism, which made me value my daily and emotional micro-actions even more, in the communities I am part of.

Before Aura, I had never recognised myself as an activist.

I learned about multiple ways of leading, and I was in contact with women from very different realities and contexts from mine.

Can you share an experience from Aura that felt transformative?

The experiences we have had in the Aura Circle are very profound. 

What touched me the most and transformed my view of women were the stories I heard. Each one's life stories connect with their activism. There are stories that I will never forget.

And I make a point of remembering them from time to time, because they inspire me, strengthen me and increase my courage.

What does feminine wisdom mean to you?

It means ELO (see Elos Philosophy) — we have been sharing our knowledge for thousands of years. We have always found ways to come together to exchange our secrets and our knowledge. Over many years we have wisely used our creativity to change our reality.

A piece of advice you would give to another woman who is starting her journey with Aura?

You are incredible. All the steps you have taken to get here have strengthened you. You carry precious treasures with you. We are together to learn and you have much to teach and share.

It is great to be among women.

2022 Annual Gathering, South Africa - Aura Fellows circle


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